
James Smith

Without a doubt, there are several reasons to become a professional truck driver, and now is the perfect time to consider this career path, and if you already have started your path in this field then UniQuality is a great way to finish it, but why did I choose UniQuality?
This was the question which I faced deciding to join the UniQuality fleet.
For me, it was an opportunity of a life time.

I have over 20 years of driving experience and I have driven for some good companies and some not so good companies; however when I started here I noticed something that stood out for me…the staff really cares about the drivers. Don’t get me wrong the office is all business, which works out for us all, and that is a good thing. When you get right down to it they all care about each and every last driver. So why did I join? I can answer that simply by saying…

A driving career starts with a good company but an opportunity of a life time starts with UniQuality.